Working Now Loan Payments
The minimum agreed monthly payment is required on the first of the month to keep your account current.
Make a Payment Online
You can make a payment online via our payment system here.
If you have questions, believe the account is 30 days late, or need to make payment arrangements, please call us between 9AM and 5PM MST at (505) 716 - 5580.
Direct Bank Account Debit
You can authorize NCNMEDD to automatically debit your bank account to make your regularly scheduled loan payments each month, right on time. Contact your loan officer or call 505-716-5580 to get instructions.
Mail a Check or Money Order
3900 Paseo Del Sol,
Santa Fe, NM 87507
(Please write your loan account number on the check or money order)
If you have any difficulty making payments or have questions about the payment process, please contact Christopher Madrid at (505) 920-9297. For more information about the Working Now loan program or to apply for a Working Now loan please visit our site here.