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NCNMEDD supports two Regional Transportation Planning Organizations (RTPOs), Northern Pueblos RTPO (NPRTPO) and Northeast RTPO (NERTPO). Northern Pueblos RTPO covers a four-county region, consisting of Rio Arriba, Taos, Los Alamos and rural Santa Fe Counties, as well as the eight Tribal and six non-Tribal communities in those counties.  


Northeast RTPO covers a seven-county region. NCNMEDD supports Colfax, Mora, and San Miguel Counties and the local municipalities within those counties and Eastern Plains Council of Governments (EPCOG) supports Union, Harding, Quay, and Guadalupe Counties and the contained local municipalities.   


The RTPOs create long-range regional transportation plans (RTPs) with community and stakeholder input, which guides the transportation project priorities in the regions. NCNMEDD staff support the development of these plans, as well as scoping of projects for state and federal funding that goes through the RTPOs.   


The RTPO Boards each have public meetings once a month where projects are prioritized for certain state and federal transportation funding opportunities, presenters share information, and members discuss issues and opportunities.   

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